Message: Deliverance From Insecurity
The other day Mt. Ontake erupted and many died. And in Hiroshima, many calamities like landslides a…
3/6キリスト知る.zoom 13:00京都
京都校 zoom 三位一体の神シリーズ【主イエスを知るコース 50】IMG_3554 欠席者には、メールにて後日 動画授業を送ります。 *** ERM 後の雨 リバイバル聖会 開催のお知らせです zo…
名護 いやしの仕方 2/24 19:30
*ERM聖書学校・ お問い合わせは へ ーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【全国、外国からZoomで受講が可能です。】 受講には当校の認定が必要です。お問い合わせ…
Message: First Step in Becoming Christians Who Are Flying Freely in the Air
Today I would like for everyone to be energized. I would like for you to experience God, and I wish…
Message: Second Step in Becoming Christians Who Are Flying Freely in the Air
Genichi Jinnai Principal ERM Bible School Message: Second Step in Becoming Christians Who Are Flyin…
Message: I live by faith in Christ
Genichi Jinnai Principal ERM Bible School “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to y…
Message: Being on track to truly know Christ
Genichi Jinnai Principal ERM Bible School First of all, we must yearn to know the truth. No matter h…